04 December 2019

The Listening Program
What is The Listening Program (TLP)?
TLP is an evidence based non-invasive intervention program to support improvements in brain function through acoustically modified music. This music (generally classical) is modified in order to stimulate specific parts of the ear, which then stimulates various areas of the brain in order to promote advanced brain function.
Who can benefit from TLP?
- Practically anyone 2 years and older!
- Learning Disorders
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Developmental Delays
- Dyslexia & Reading Disorders
- Brain Injury/ Concussion
- Stroke
- Cerebral Palsy
- Down Syndrome
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Sleep Disorders
- Stress & Anxiety Disorders
- Performance Enhancement
- Brain Health
How does TLP help?
TLP targets 7 brain focus areas to promote increased brain function in:
- Executive Function
- Auditory Processing
- Communication
- Social & Emotional
- Sensory Motor
- Stress Resilience
- Creative Expression
How does it work?
TLP is acoustically modified music in which different frequencies are utilized to target different “zones” of the brain to produce various brain functions and experiences. These “zones” are color coded as the red zone, orange zone, green zone, and blue zone within a music piece.
How is it used?
The Listening Program is practiced anywhere, from home, school, or on the go! The schedule and duration of listening varies depending upon the goals and needs of the listener. Listening is recommended 5 days a week through one of four listening schedule options.
• Extended: 1x/day for 15 minutes (40 weeks)
• Base: 2x/day for 15 minutes each (20 weeks)
• Condensed 1x/day for 30 minutes (20 weeks)
• Advanced: 2x/day for 30 minutes each (10 weeks)
For more information feel free to visit the Advanced Brain Technologies (creator of TLP)
If you have questions regarding your child’s development. Please call us at 410-358-1997. For more info on Pediatric Speech Therapy click here
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