22 April 2020

Tele- therapy (also known as video therapy) has been around for quite some time. Teletherapy can be quite convenient for the client especially in todays quickly evolving world. According to The Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology at Kent State University (Ohio) and the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Cincinnati (Ohio) “the progress reports of students doing tele-therapy and students doing on-site therapy were similar.”
Benefits of Tele-Therapy
Wait time is reduced
Nobody likes waiting in a waiting room especially not kids. Tele-therapy helps minimize the amount of waiting time before an appointment, and allows the child to wait comfortably in their own home.
No traveling time
Often one of the hardest parts of any appointment is the traveling to and from the appointment. There is traffic, the kids fall asleep in the car, need to be woken up from their naps, or get cranky from sitting still in the car for the drive. One amazing benefit of tele-therapy is that there is no travel time. Appointments are done via a HIPPA compliant video conferencing platform from the comfort of your own home. This is helpful for parents; no need to wake up your child a half hour before their appointment in order to make it on time, leave work early, or get stuck in traffic.
Tele-therapy allows for more flexibility in scheduling. There is no need to calculate travel time to figure out what would be the earliest you can make it to an appointment. In addition Tele-therapy can be done from anywhere. Going to Grandma’s house and don’t want your child to miss their appointment? No problem, just make sure to have a computer and a good internet connection. (Our therapists will let you know if anything else is needed in advance).
More Privacy and Safety
Tele-therapy is done from the comfort of your own home and eliminates having to wait in a waiting room. For some this alleviates privacy concerns. This also allows your child to continue their therapy without having to expose anyone to covid-19.
If you have questions regarding your child’s development or to schedule a tele-therapy session. Please call us at 410-358-1997. For more info on Pediatric Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapy click here
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