
How a child with dyslexia reads text


To help a child with dyslexia or another language based learning disability it is helpful to understand the way s/he sees text. Try reading the following paragraph: The Orton-Gillingham approach ot teaching reabing is a prevon success in helping stubents woh have a reabing or language-daseb bisadilitiy. Those wtih byslexia tyipcally have bifficulty in neo

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Calm a child’s senses for a good night of sleep


A good night’s sleep allows our minds and bodies to get the necessary rest it needs to wake up rejuvenated and ready to begin a new day. As parents, we want nothing more than for our children to get a good night’s sleep so they can wake up in the morning ready to attack the

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The Way I See It – Dr. Temple Grandin


Dr. Temple Grandin is a world-renowned professor. She is known for her expertise of animal behaviors and her studies of cattle and the implementation of strategies to improve handling of cows. As a child, Grandin was also diagnosed with Autism. But, Grandin did not allow this to hinder her, instead in a TED talk (definitely

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Broken Crayons


My daughter came to me the other day crying “my crayon broke…I need to throw it in the garbage.” “No,” I replied, “mommy loves coloring with broken crayons!” As a mother, I understand my daughter’s frustration over trying to use a small crayon to color. When children are young, they like everything to be big

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Orton-Gillingham Reading Program


Orton-Gillingham at The Therapy Spot The Therapy Spot’s Orton Gillingham reading program offers tutoring services, teaching children to read, write, and spell using the Orton-Gillingham approach. Our tutors are trained and certified in the Orton-Gillingham method.  Sessions are available in schools, as well as in the afternoon or evenings at The Therapy Spot clinics. Please

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Drawing, Writing, Typing… There are Apps for That!


For the final installment of this App blog series, I would like to share some apps with you that we use to reinforce drawing, writing, and typing skills. Drawing is a precursor to writing, and children build their skills by tracing, copying, and then forming their own pictures or designs without any model.  Coloring is

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