
What can a kid learn at the grocery store?


Open and closed, big and small, fast and slow, full and empty – these are all basic concepts that we try to teach our children early on in life. Basic concepts help children learn about and understand the environment. By being able to understand basic concepts, a child will then have the ability to follow

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kids swimming

Head out to the pool – stimulate those senses!


Children love the pool, and swimming is a great activity for the whole family. Aside from a good time, there are many benefits that can help a child’s development; swimming promotes the development of sensory integration and motor development. Sensory Integration: We are always taking in information. In a research article, a mother of a

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Why Postural Control is Important?


Have you noticed that some children tend to slouch in their chairs and easily fatigue while doing activities seated at a desk? If so, you are likely looking at a child who has poor core strength, which affects his/her ability to maintain postural control. Postural control refers to a child’s ability to assume and maintain

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Bath Time Fun!


Summer is a great time to work on gross motor skills as kids take advantage of the warm weather and run, swim, ride their bikes, and climb on the playground outside.  Very often, kids are very busy actively engaging in various activities throughout the day that build their core and upper body strength. However, it

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Teach Your Child to Ride a Bike Without Training Wheels!


  How do you teach your child to ride a two-wheeler bike? Transitioning from training wheels to a two-wheeler bike is a milestone that both you and your child will always remember. The look on a child’s face when he or she finally gets across the park, without falling, is priceless! So, how do you

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Speech and Language Development – Part II


As discussed in our previous blog, Activities to Encourage Speech and Language Development the groundwork for speech and language development should begin as soon as a child is born. From this time until the baby is two years old he or she needs to hear words clearly, with syllables broken down. Lots of reinforcement and

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